
Study Abeard Update

Yes, it's true. I'm back in the U.S. In fact, it's already been a whole week. So, I've decided to take a quick break from sitting on my ass and watching TV to quickly update all of you on the state of Study Abeard.

Basically, I'm here to tell all of you not to worry. Just because I'm back in the States doesn't mean that I'm ending this blog or that I won't be posting anymore. In fact, the opposite is actually true. 

You see, when I was abroad, I didn't actually update the blog as often as I had hoped. Luckily, now I'm home and I have a lot of time on my hands. I mean a lot of time. Seriously, so much. 

That means that I'll have plenty of time to finally sort through all of my awesome photos from the past four months and plenty of time to write a ton of new posts. 

Now, I know there's still one question on your mind, "But Max, the blog is called 'Study Abeard' and you aren't 'abeard' anymore. How's that gonna work?" The answer is simple. Study Abeard is just a title. It's a state of mind and the brand that I've associated with this site.

Just because I'm not abroad anymore doesn't mean that my posts won't relate to traveling, food and everything else the same way they always have. 

The other good news is that if you look around the site, you'll notice some sections are a little, well, "underdeveloped." Yeah, let's go with that. Anyway, I'll also be taking this time to update and launch those other sections of the site to really get things going. So be on the lookout for that.

This isn't the end friends, it's only the beginning. 

Ok, sorry to end things in a cliché like that. Don't hold it against me. Check out my last post from when I was still in Barcelona here.
